Following on from last week’s Tether Tip, Part two of let’s get checked will look at another amazing tool to help you maintain maximum efficiency and security within Salesforce.
Salesforce Optimiser
Salesforce Optimizer is a purpose-built app to allow you to monitor and improve current functionality within your org all at the click of a button.
To run the optimizer simply navigate to you Orgs app launcher type Optimizer in the search bar and select the correct App.
Please note If you cannot access optimizer form your app launcher you will need to navigate to set up and enable from the Optimizer settings here.
Once you have accessed the optimizer app click the “Run Optimizer” button to start to allow the optimizer to scan your Org.
Once the optimizer has completed its scan it will create a record for each issue that requires you to review and action.
The Last step is to review and action the feedback from the Optimizer to ensure your Org is kept running smoothly and securely.
Hope you found this helpful and make sure to keep an eye out next week for part three of “Let’s Get Checked”.
Thanks for reading!
Mark Hanaway
The Tether Team
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