
Optimise your Salesforce pages with Dynamic Actions

NEW from the Tether Tips Blog – Optimise your pages with Dynamic Actions

This weeks Tether Tip is from one of our Salesfore Consultants, Rory McDonnell

Dynamic Actions:

A recent requirement from a client project was to prevent Sales users from generating and sending a quote document until the quote had been approved by management. In the past this might have been a little awkward in Salesforce, but using Dynamic actions makes things quite straightforward.

With this functionality you are able to show or hide an action based on some filter criteria. In my example we want to show a certain group of quick action buttons while the opportunity is not approved. Then once it’s been approved we want to show the ‘Generate Document’ button.

Fig 1 – Not Approved:

Fig 2 – Approved Checked

To configure this behaviour the salesforce administrator should open the set up menu and select ‘Edit Page’

Fig 3 – Edit Page

Then on the page edit, click in the section where the actions are displayed. In the sidebar you will see a checkbox to ‘Enable Dynamic Actions’, a button to ‘Add Action’, and finally a filter section where you can specify the criteria with which this action (Generate Document) should be displayed.

Fig 4 – Dynamic Actions

After you have completed these steps, click Save and the actions will be filtered as required.

Problem Solving is a key part of what we do at Tether, and as a team we internally share these gotchas and tips, so that we can solve problems quicker, and we are constantly learning and evolving, its true what they say, everyday is a school day.

We hope this helps, and thanks for reading!

#salesforce #salesforcecrm #tethertips #crm

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