5 Crucial Benefits of Salesforce to Your Business

– Written by Greg Dunne

Salesforce is the world’s #1 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform with cloud-based applications for sales, service, marketing, and much more.

Has your business considered adopting a custom Salesforce CRM solution for your business?

Our 3x Certified Salesforce Consultant Greg has written a comprehensive piece on 5 crucial benefits of Salesforce to your business.

#1 Easy to use and customisable

People are afraid of change. The number one benefit of having Salesforce for your business is how easy it is to use. Increasing the adoption rate of Salesforce to your Sales Reps is so much easier when your project has been carefully planned and implemented by a Salesforce Partner.

Not only is Salesforce easy to use, it’s highly customisable. With many years of experience and having handled hundreds of projects, our Salesforce Consultants at Tether will customise Salesforce to suit your business needs while promoting best practices and training to help put your business on the forefront.

#2 Third Party Integration / App Exchange

Salesforce already provides so many options and offerings that it’s hard to imagine the need for additional Apps on Salesforce. However, if you are looking for extra functionality or integration from third party apps, this couldn’t be easier with Salesforce’s very own App Exchange.

So notorious are Salesforce with providing Apps, you may or may not know that Mark Benioff (Salesforce CEO) actually gifted the trademark ‘App Store’ to Apple as a thank you to Steve Jobs for helping him in the past.

For example, you can find apps to help integrate with the likes of MailChimp, Conga Composer, DocuSign, Slack and so many more.

#3 Automate repetitive tasks with workflows

Studies show that sales people spend only 34% of their time selling, meaning the rest of their workload is spent on tasks such as data input and task management among many other time draining administrative tasks.

With the help of Process Builders, Workflow Rules, Einstein and many more, Salesforce can help free up some of that precious time to help enable your sales team to do what they do best: sell.

#4 Easy data management & improved reporting

Data is critical for your business and with the help of Validation Rules, Sales Paths, Guidance for Success etc Salesforce has all the tools to ensure that the data your users enters is valuable and beneficial to your business.

Once you’ve got the data you can create powerful reports and dashboards for your sales reps, managers, marketing, customer service etc etc allowing you to report on many things such as:

  • Opportunity pipeline
  • Win / Loss Rate
  • Sales rep activities
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Customer Service Cases

You can also easily manage your data with bulk imports, exports and updates by using any of the various data tools available such as the Data Import Wizard or DataLoader.

With the Data Import Wizard importing data has never been easier, then once you’ve got the hang of it, the DataLoader provides more advance options such as exporting, updating and deleting records.

#5 Guide your staff with improved processes

Only display information relevant to that record, for example: when trying to onboard a new customer you can ensure that your users see only the relevant required data or products available to that customer e.g are they under contract with a competitor, is that contract due to renew soon etc?

You can also keep your sales reps on track with the Sales Path and Guidance for Success combined. By using these features you can highlight key fields and display tips & information relevant for each stage of your sales process – selling has never been easier.

In addition to the Sales Path you have many features available to you such as the following;

  • Team Selling
    • Allow multiple users to work on Opportunities, even splitting the revenue if needed.
  • Enhanced Collaboration
    • Using Chatter, users can mention their colleagues on particular records to keep them up to date or even seek assistance for a potential sales pitch or even share notes for particular records prior to a meeting.
  • Approval Processes
    • Allowing your staff to apply a discount but find that some give more than they should? Rest assured with Approval Processes you can be sure certain areas don’t get overlooked.
  • And many more!

So what are you waiting for? Do you feel Salesforce could give your business the edge and transform how you sell?

Challenge us today!

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