Cold Leads? Time to Re-Engage with Pardot

Its a new year, lets start over!

The dawn of a new year gives us a good excuse to assess the successes and failures of the past twelve months and to look back and think “what could I have done differently?” This applies across all areas of life and business but with Pardot we have metrics and attribution on our side, the numbers dont lie.

Cold leads from Engagement Studio:

When I build an Engagement Studio in Pardot, one trick that I have learned is that all prospects should end up somewhere whether they interact or not, they’re in our Org for a reason, they’ve given consent for us to market to them!

Cold Leads list:

Rather than prospects who dont interact with our content in a nurture journey dropping out of the program and not having any action taken, the last port of call for these prospects is to populate a cold leads list, and i will periodically use this list for a Re-Engagement Program.

Whats different about a re-engagement program?

For me the tactic for a Re-Engagement program has to change slightly. I always ask myself a few questions about the prospects im reaching out to:

  • Why are they cold leads?
  • What could we have done differently to ensure they reacted to our mails?
  • Can we take a different approach to these leads in an effort to reengage them and get them back into the system?

We could send a simple one time list email with a clear call to action, to try and get them to click a link and reengage with us, we can have a completion action on this link click that adds the prospect to a different list and off the naughty step, or we could go one step further if we think these prospects need a bit more attention.

This is a great opportunity for us to run a cold leads engagement studio program, or a Re-Engagement Program. If these leads are cold already, they may need nurturing and reminding of why they are on our email list in the first place.

Re-Engagement Program:

Purpose: Re-engage inactive prospects by putting
your best content forward.

Benefits: Warming up cold prospects builds a more
active database, potentially boosting revenue.

Time: Send an email every 5-7 business days to
avoid overwhelming unresponsive prospects.

Content: To pique the interest of a cold prospect, consider extending an enticing promotional offer
or sharing high-value content, like videos,
webinars, or a top 10 list of reasons they should
take another look at your brand.

Here’s a How To:

Out of any programs Ive run during the year, I’ve built a list of cold leads, so this will be the start point for my program, the point of this exercise is to remind people that were still here, in case they’ve forgotten.

Build out a simple Program, and dont overload the prospects:

I like to leave a timeframe of 5-7 days between these mails and i will never send more than 3, its always important to remember what these prospects are, cold leads, so the approach has to be gentle and not overwhelming. As the emails are opened the simplest action is to add the prospects to another list, and we can choose to put them on another program at a later date.

Again for these cold leads, if they do not respond to any mails in this studio, we can choose to leave them on this list, or if our database is getting full, we can line them up to be deleted entirely, inactive users can clog up the system and sometimes its good to recognise this and perform a clearout. When it comes to clearing databases of inactive prospects there are other ways to do this using segmentation rules, (a blog on that is coming soon) but sometimes its worth one more try!

Happy New Year Everyone,

We hope this helps,

The Tether Team.

#marketingautomation #pardot #salesforcepardot #tethertips

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