Salesforce for Small Business Workshop – December 2019

On Wednesday, December 4th, Tether hosted the inaugural ‘Salesforce for Small Business’ Workshop at the Clayton Hotel in Liffey Valley, Dublin.

We had a great turn out, with business leaders from a variety of industries including energy, education, beauty, customer engagement, engineering, high-tech, finance, and many more.

John Hennessy, Tether Managing Director, opening the workshop

There were some very interesting conversations around the different use cases for Salesforce products and what small businesses can achieve with the Salesforce platform.

Tom Delaney, Salesforce AE, outlining use cases for Salesforce products
Sean Collins, Tether UK General Manager, talking about working with a Salesforce Partner
Katie Kelleher, Strategic AE Salesforce, introducing Quip for Salesforce

If you didn’t make it to this one, we will planning another one very soon.

Huge thanks to Tom Delaney, Leo Martin, and Katie Kelleher from Salesforce and to all of our customers and prospective customers for attending!

#salesforce #crm #marketingautomation #pardot #tether

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